Kaiser Permanente celebrated their one year anniversary of the Hensel Phelps delivered Anaheim Medical Center opening. Attending the celebration were such notable dignitaries as Julie Miller-Phipps, Executive Director for Kaiser Permanente, and Tom Tait, Mayor of Anaheim, as well as the Kaiser Permanente Project team. During their first year Kaiser Permanente delivered 3,200 babies, performed 8,400 surgeries and treated 50,000 patients in the emergency room. Quite a first year!
Hensel Phelps is proud to have contributed in successfully delivering this facility almost seven months ahead of schedule which helped allow these amazing results to be achieved.
At the event a time capsule was filled with objects from the construction of the project including hard hats from Hensel Phelps, team photos and even a fly-through of the model overlaid with final in-place photos.
Project Highlights:
- 6 Stories
- 262 Beds
- 434,000 square feet
- 27 acre site
- Opened almost 7 months early
- Integrated Design and Construction team effort
It was announced during the ceremonies that this new facility has achieved some of the highest satisfaction ratings among the Kaiser Permanente membership nationwide. Again, our entire team is proud to have been a part in creating such a benefit for the surrounding communities.