Dressed up in Costumes, Golfers Participate in 18-Hole Scramble to Benefit Three Local Southern California Charities
One hundred thirty-two golfers and over 60 Hensel Phelps volunteers teed off for a cause at the Maderas Golf Club in Poway, California, on October 31, 2019. The 4th Annual Hensel Phelps Halloween Charity Golf Tournament, presented by title sponsor Flood & Peterson, was made possible by generous support from all participants, which helped raise over $120,000. Proceeds from the event will benefit the La Jolla Family House in San Diego, the Ronald McDonald House Charities of San Diego, and UCI Anti-Cancer Challenge based in Irvine, California.
“The Hensel Phelps Annual Halloween Charity Golf Tournament is close to my heart and a great event that brings our trade partners and clients together to help local charities while dressing up in your favorite costume – and oh yeah – play golf! A special thanks to all the sponsors, volunteers, and fellow team members to make this all happen,” said Rob Muellner, Hensel Phelps Project Manager.
Major Sponsors
In addition to Flood & Peterson, other major sponsors included ACCO Engineered Systems, Berg Electric, Brady SoCal, Inc., California Sheet Metal, Christian Brothers Flooring & Interiors, Cosco Fire Protection, Inc., Dynalectric, Helix Electric Inc., ISEC, Inc., Morrow-Meadows, Pacific Coast Glazing, Inc., Pacific Coast Iron, and Rossin Steel Inc.
Full Coverage
Hensel Phelps stayed true to its mission of hosting a complete player experience. Greeted with breakfast burritos, coffee, and a Bloody-Mary bar, the volunteers and golfing participants arrived before sunrise decked out in Halloween costumes ranging from Oktoberfest to Star Wars and everything in between. As the participants made their way through the Halloween themed registration entrance, they were given generous vouchers for Adidas and Titleist swag, where hundreds of different golf items available such as jackets, golf bags, socks, and hats were on display. Each participant received a goody-bag with Stance socks, Everyday California branded hats, t-shirts and beach towels, and multiple sleeves of new golf balls.
Executive Director, Anti-Cancer Challenge, Jennifer Sarrail, said, “We are grateful to be beneficiaries of the annual Hensel Phelps golf tournament. The generous companies and individuals playing today contributed to the exploration of innovative approaches to cancer treatment at the UCI Chao Family Comprehensive Cancer Center. Many thanks to Hensel Phelps for giving us this opportunity and for supporting the UCI Anti-Cancer Challenge since our first event in 2017.”
The participants teed off at 8:00 a.m. Along the eighteen holes were themed and interactive stations where golfers could get to know Hensel Phelps employees and charity personnel and participate in an array of activities that included a Masters themed hole, frisbee golf, camouflage-themed nerf gun competition, dice games, soccer and football games, life-sized golf pong, and a TrackMan radar system setup that tracked specific measurements to accurately identify the impact and ball flight conditions for each player’s shot.
“The La Jolla Family House at UC San Diego Health is thrilled and grateful to be one of the beneficiaries of the Hensel Phelps Halloween Golf Tournament. This is by far the most delightful and creative golf tournament in San Diego,” said Denise M. Capozzi, Director at UC San Diego Health Bannister Family House.
Prizes were given for Best Team Halloween Costumes (Grand Prize), Longest Drive and Closest to the Pin contests, Best Overall score, the Most Honest (worst) score, Highest Velocity Swing, and Lowest Velocity Swing. Hensel Phelps held a raffle, offering 40-prizes with a value of over $10,000.
“Hensel Phelps put on an incredible day at their annual Halloween golf tournament, and we were honored to be chosen as a beneficiary. We are grateful to their support of San Diego’s Ronald McDonald House and the families who rely on our services,” said Chuck Day, president and CEO of Ronald McDonald House Charities of San Diego. “Their community support is critical to ensuring families have the care and support they need, whether it’s a comfortable place to sleep, a warm meal, or an understanding hug. Keeping families close during this critical time is essential, and Hensel Phelps is helping make that possible,” Chuck Day, Ronald McDonald House Charities of San Diego President and CEO.
A heartfelt thank-you goes out to the sponsors and volunteers who helped make the 4th Annual Halloween Charity Golf Tournament a successful and exciting fundraising event.
For more information on Hensel Phelps community events and activities, visit https://www.henselphelps.com/the-hensel-phelps-way/community/.
About the La Jolla Family House at UC San Diego Health
The La Jolla Family House at UC San Diego Health will be a second home away from home for families with a loved one undergoing long-term or critical care at UC San Diego Health. This new house will become part of a healthy‐living community within walking distance of our hospitals and medical facilities in La Jolla. Our guests will experience a collaborative environment that includes graduate student housing, fitness centers, and affordable dining options. The La Jolla Family House will be a five-story building offering a haven of hope and comfort with 42 units featuring a community living room, kitchen and dining room, 15 furnished two-bedroom apartments, supportive services, and a tranquility garden to promote rejuvenation during a stressful life event. Our first house, the Bannister Family House in Hillcrest, opened in 1994 thanks to a generous donation from the late Ralph Bannister. More than 6,000 families from around the world have stayed with us in Hillcrest, and we look forward to hosting even more families when our second house opens in La Jolla in March 2020. To learn more, visit health.ucsd.edu/patients/bannister.
La Jolla Family House is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) that relies heavily on donations from individuals, community organizations, and businesses to ensure that it remains a haven of hope and comfort for families with a loved one in the hospital. (Tax ID #95-2872494, Fund #3650).
About Ronald McDonald House Charities
Founded in 1980, Ronald McDonald House Charities of San Diego provides a “home-away-from-home,” which keeps families close to one another and the care they need when their child is being treated for serious, often life-threatening conditions at local hospitals. San Diego’s Ronald McDonald House was specifically designed to provide the necessities of home – including 56 bedrooms, a full commercial kitchen, free meals served daily, and a children’s play area – to help strengthen families and bolster their psychological well-being during difficult times regardless of their situation or ability to pay. The Ronald McDonald House creates an emotional and physical sanctuary for nearly 15,000 family members each year. To learn more, visit rmhcsd.org.
Ronald McDonald House Charities of San Diego is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, Federal Tax ID: 95-3251490. By making a gift to San Diego’s Ronald McDonald House, you help keep families close to their hospitalized child and give them the support they need during a medical crisis.
About the UCI Anti-Cancer Challenge
The UCI Anti-Cancer Challenge is a community ride/run/walk to raise funds for cancer research at the UCI Chao Family Comprehensive Cancer Center. One hundred percent of the money raised by participants goes directly to early phase studies and clinical trials. These funds are a powerful source of flexible support. In 2019, more than 2,800 participants contributed $635,000 to cancer center research.
Over the life of the event, proceeds have enabled progress on more than three dozen research projects, each one expanding our understanding of cancer in its many forms. When you stop at nothing to make a difference, this is where the end of cancer begins. To learn more, visit anti-cancerchallenge.org.
The UCI Anti-Cancer Challenge is a nonprofit 501(c)(3). Contributions can be made to the UCI Foundation, Tax ID #95-2540117.