Hensel Phelps is pleased to recognize esteemed employees Samuel B. Merrell, Director of Safety and Health, and William Plato, Virtual Design and Construction Manager, who were awarded the 2018 Safety Management Innovation Honorable Mention by the American Society of Safety Professionals. ASSP presented the award for their successful development, pilot and implementation of a new safety training system that leverages new technology to create a virtual reality experience for employees.
“Leveraging technology in safety allows us to efficiently implement our programs and utilize applications to maximize the impact to users,” commented Sam Merrell, Director of Safety and Health and ASSP member. “Our approach to immersive training increases retention of information while creating an atmosphere where employees gain real life experience in a controlled environment.”
Prior to the development of the new safety training system, employees were taught these jobsite safety measures through a PowerPoint platform. It was identified that the old system lacked employee interaction and the engagement necessary to fully understand and retain valuable information to keep themselves and others safe in the workplace. Not only does the new virtual safety training program allow users to virtually walk through a jobsite, but it also teaches individuals to recognize hazards within an environment and how to navigate safety regulations and company policy.
“It was like I was actually walking the job site looking for hazards, and having to look those hazards up really helped familiarize myself with our safety manual,” commented Trent Moore, Safety Engineer.
This personalized piece of technology bridges Hensel Phelps’ dedication to safety with our support and promotion of innovation. While the construction industry continues to grow at an exponential rate, it is important to create updated methods to effectively teach employees about safety and how to navigate the necessary standards when working on a jobsite. We are proud of both Samuel Merrell and William Plato for taking the time to produce such a creative and interactive system that can be utilized to assist fellow employees and partners in understanding and recognizing how to maintain a safe work environment.